Showing 126 - 150 of 183 Results
No Song No Supper: An Opera, in Two Acts. as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379306610 List Price: $21.95
The Captive of Spilburg in Two Acts, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Altered ... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379652687 List Price: $21.95
Lock and Key: A Musical Entertainment, in Two Acts, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Coven... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379654599 List Price: $19.95
No Song No Supper: An Opera, in Two Acts: As Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379658511 List Price: $19.95
Songs, Duets, Trio, and Finales, in No Song No Supper. as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Dr... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379763369 List Price: $19.95
Sighs; Or, the Daughter, a Comedy, in Five Acts: As It Is Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Ha... by Kotzebue, August von, Augus... ISBN: 9781379812845 List Price: $21.95
Songs, Duets, Trios, Finales, &c. in Mahmoud, a Musical Romance, in Three Acts; As Performed... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379827306 List Price: $19.95
Songs, Trios, &c. and Finales, in a Friend in Need; A Musical Entertainment, as Performed at... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379827320 List Price: $19.95
Indiscretion, a Comedy, in Five Acts, as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane, by Prin... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379834526 List Price: $21.95
Sighs; Or, the Daughter, a Comedy, in Five Acts: As It Is Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Ha... by Kotzebue, August von, Augus... ISBN: 9781379891543 List Price: $22.95
Songs, Duets, Trios, Finales, &c. in Mahmoud, a Musical Romance, in Three Acts; As Performed... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379850120 List Price: $19.95
My Grand-Mother. a Ballad Farce, in Two Acts. Written by Mr. Hoare, by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379874928 List Price: $19.95
Sighs; Or, the Daughter, a Comedy, in Five Acts: As It Is Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Ha... by Kotzebue, August von, Augus... ISBN: 9781379875307 List Price: $21.95
Lock and Key: A Musical Entertainment, in Two Acts, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Coven... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379869016 List Price: $19.95
My Grandmother, a Musical Farce, in Two Acts. as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market.... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781379861645 List Price: $19.95
Dido, Queen of Carthage; An Opera. with the Masque of Neptune's Prophecy. the Music Principa... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781385155516 List Price: $19.95
The Prize, Or, 2, 5, 3, 8, a Musical Farce in Two Acts, as Performed by His Majesty's Compan... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781385203088 List Price: $19.95
My Grandmother; A Musical Farce, in Two Acts, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Hay Market.... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781385254790 List Price: $19.95
Sighs; Or, the Daughter, a Comedy, in Five Acts; As It Is Performed at the Theatre Royal Hay... by Kotzebue, August von, Augus... ISBN: 9781385344521 List Price: $21.95
Songs, Duets, Trio, and Finales, in No Song No Supper. as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Dr... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781385362075 List Price: $19.95
The Prize, Or, 2, 5, 3, 8. a Musical Farce, in Two Acts. Written by Prince Hare [sic], Esq. ... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781385360576 List Price: $19.95
My Grandmother, a Musical Farce, in Two Acts, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Hay Market,... by Hoare, Prince, Prince Hoare ISBN: 9781385369982 List Price: $19.95
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